Freitag, 28. März 2014

Faux (no chain) double crochet - Pseudestäbchen - Platstuðlar

In our post about standing dc (link under the picture), we showed a great method to use, when doing a colour change after each row in a flat circle made of double crochet. But when you are doing a unicolour piece, you do not want to be cutting your yarn after each row that way. So what to do? There is a way your work will not get the "ch3-ladder-look" like you see on the picture below, that is actually from a crochet tutorial on coasters. I wish the author who did a great tutorial would have added some informations or links to get rid of this "ladder look". 

picture source

Imagine a polka dot blanket done this way, wouldn´t you too notice the ladders in every dot? Or is it just me and something nobody else would notice? I say if there is an easy way to get rid of the ladder why not use it. So for all of you that feel the same, lets check out some ch3 cheets.

I used this method for the first dc in my magic ring as well, thought securing the magic ring with a ch1 before doing the faux dc. 

I found a great picture tutorial for crochet turning chain alternatives over at Mrs Micawber´s recipe for happiness. The Video down below is however from Sandra Roarty´s Youtube channel, beside this one, you can find more informational and instructional videos on various crochet techniques on her channel.

Have fun watching the video and trying out this method. Before you go on watching, let me show you my flat circle done with it, and compare it to the ladder picture above. I know I would have to look twice to see where each row starts, if the hook wouldn´t be attached. Just like in the first picture of this post, using the standing double crochet method.

So lights out and movie on :)

Kurze Zusammenfassung:

Das Video zeigt wie man die Wendeluftmasche am Anfang von jeder Reihe mit einem "Pseudostäbchen" austauschen kann. Um denn "Leiterlook", wie auf dem zweiten Bild zu sehen ist, umzugehen. Wenn in einer Farbe gearbeitet wird ist dies besonders praktisch. Für wechselnde Farben in jeder Reihe, wie auf dem ersten Bild in diesem Post zu sehen ist, empfehlt sich die Methode, die darunter gelinkt wird.  


Algengasta leiðin er að nota 3 loftlykkjur í stað fyrsta stuðuls í umferð. Í fyrri pósti, er sýnt hvernig standandi stuðull er gerður í staðin fyrir loftlykkjurnar 3. Þetta er mjög sniðug aðferð, þegar hver umferð er hekluð í öðrum lit. En þegar unnið er með einn lit, er ekki hagkvæmt að klippa frá og tengja aftur eftir hverja umferð. Þess vegna langaði mig að sýna ykkur nýja aðferð sem er hagkvæmari þegar unnið er með einn lit. Þá er heklaður "platstuðull" í byrjun umferðar í stað loftlykkjanna þriggja. 

Montag, 3. März 2014

The Amazing Adventures of a Cat who traveled over 1500 miles

 Today is Bolludagur (Bun Day) in my new home in Iceland

Me in making and my Doctor soon to be called my bro

One last "guys night out" before I packed my bags with my three friends 
to take an adventurous journey and travel over 1500 miles from Germany to Iceland

Here is the whole gang (two of these will later be eaten by a cat, no I´m not the cat)

I have arrived and here I am with my my new best friend and companion
I even got a bow tie now, and bow ties are cool

The End (for now)

My friends are Sveppur Sveppason, Best Bunny and the fishy Fish 
last but not least

Click the names to see blogposts about them

Sonntag, 2. März 2014

Of Mushrooms and Men - Sveppur Sveppason

Did you know that the largest organism on earth is a fungus? That´s a true fact. This crochet one may not be the largest among it´s kind on earth, but it´s a high tech one and a lot bigger on the inside.

Einu sinni var lítill sveppur sem hét Sveppur Sveppason. Hann langaði samt alltaf að vera stærri og vita meira. Tónlist átti einnig sveppahug hans og sveppahjarta og sérstaklega hljómsveitin Of Mushrooms and Men. Í nafni hljómsveitarinnar er verið að ýja að risavaxna sveppnum sem fannst við Bláfjöllin í Oregon og sagður stærsta lífvera jarðar

Sveppi verður samt aldrei svo stór, en þrátt fyrir smæð sína mætti segja að sveppahjartað hans sé samt sem áður jafn stórt og ef ekki stærri en bláfjallasveppurinn.

Wie der größte Organimsum der Welt, gehört dieser kleine Fliegenpilz auch zur selben Gattung. Er mag vielleicht nicht groß aussehen, aber sein Innenleben ist groß, sogar sehr groß.

Well it might look like a simple key chain to you at this point but look closer ......

Það má auðveldlega taka feil á Sveppa og einfaldri lyklakippu, en við nánari skoðun má sjá að ..

Unscheinbar wie ein Schlüsselanhänger....

What´s that sticking out, if not an USB Memory stick ;)

að sveppahjartað hans er stórt tækniundur. 

innen drin verbirgt sich aber ein high tech Herz

Amineko cuddling with his mushroom friend

Neuer Monat, neue Häkelliebe