Dienstag, 6. November 2012

First Star Granny Square

We're building a "blanket" on the side of a "sofa"

Above the clouds, next to the sky

And after our labours the stars will be neighbours

We'll take our place with them in space

We're not using concrete or plaster or wood -

"But instead a crocheted hook"

(Lyrics from Prefab Sprout - Andromedas Heights ("words" have been changed)

Pattern from this book

I love stars and I really bought the book for this blanket, ´cause that was something I really wanted to do, but the book has also other great projects inside, so it´s worth buying.

I have chosen 3 variations of grey and natural white for the stars using Lana Grossa Merino wooll. Not sure how much wooll I will need for this project, but from one ball of the white I got 23 stars.

The pattern is well written and good to understand, it´s both written and as a chart. The squares are probably not as quick to make as a normal granny squares, but I think the more squares one does, the quicker it becomes. 

The Stars themself are quick to make and can be used solo as well, as appliquès or alone.

One done, 47 to go.... 

Birth of a Star-Granny-Square in four steps see below

Thank you for taking your time to leave me a comment
Danke dass Du Dir Zeit nimmst mir Paar Worte zu schreiben
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5 Kommentare:

  1. I love it, and the colors you have chosen !
    Look forward to see more of the blanket :)

  2. :) Takk Takk :) já þeir komu bara vel út. Held ég verði löngu búin með hnoturnar sem ég á áður en ég kemst aftur í garnabúðina :)

  3. hahaha ég skildi eftir nokkur komment hér og þar á ensku, fékk allt í einu valkvíða hvort ég ætti að skrifa á íslensku, ensku eða þýsku :D

    En já garnið er svo fljótt að fara, sérstaklega þegar maður er spenntur að sjá hvort það dugi.

  4. já ekkert mál :) ég vona ég verði eins fljót að hekla svo þegar ég er komin með meira garn :)

    Knús til þín


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