Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2014

Happy New Year - Frohes Neues Jahr - Gleðilegt nýtt ár

Wishing all my readers a happy new year 2015. 
Hope to see you here next year too.

Frohes neues Jahr 2015 und einen guten Rutsch wünsch ich euch allen, vielen Dank für die Treue, 
ich hoffe wir sehen uns im neuen Jahr.

Gleðilegt nýtt ár 2015 og takk fyrir það gamla,
sjáumst hress á nýju ári.

Next year will start of with a Campaign. Family Bear is hoping for your vote in an Amigurumi Design Contest. 
Voting will Start on January 3d and will last until January 10th

I will post a link for you when it is all set up, for you to vote and share and help Family Bear to be selected.

Voting has startet - please place your vote HERE - THANK YOU

If I win there will be an award for you too.
More pictures of the Family will follow in an upcoming blogpost.

Nýja árið byrjar með harðri kostningarbaráttu Bangsafjölskyldunnar, en er hún að taka þátt í Amigurumi Design Keppni. Kostningarnar byrja 3. Janúar, og þegar það er komið upp hlekkurinn til að kjósa set ég hann inn fyrir ykkur svo þið getið kosið og deilt.

Ef ég vinn, þá fáið þið líka vinning.
Fleiri myndir af bangsafjölskyldunni og um keppnina munu birtast í næsta blogpósti


Das neue Jahr fängt spannend an, meine kleine Teddy Bär Familie nimmt an einer Wettbewerb Teil und wird eure Stimme brauchen.
Im Zeitraum von 3.-10. Januar kann gewählt werden. 
Im nächsten Blogpost bekommt ihr mehr Bilder von der Bärenfamilie zu sehen und ihre Gesichte als auch ein Link zu der Seite wo gewählt werden kann, für euch und um zu Teilen.

Wenn ich eine von drei Gewinnern werde, werdet ihr auch gelohnt werden.

Aber erstmal ins neue Jahr Rutschen :)

Auch allen bei Häkelliebe wünsche ich eine frohes Neues Jahr

Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014

Doctor Who

Trust me, I´m the doctor

I started watching doctor who for real when the eleventh doctor regenerated, his brand marks is his red bow tie and a fez. As I found this crochet pattern by Allison Hoffmann I knew I had to make one and bought her pattern over ravelry and later her great book Amigurume. There are some other patterns out there for the doctor but hers is the best.

If you are unfamiliar to the doctor who television show click here for the Doctor Who BBC Homepage.

Here he is in all his glory somewhere in space and time

Since my doctor misplaced his TARDIS his first journey with his new companion (me) was by train. He started here at the Trainstation in Solingen Germany

Soon he found out how long a trainride can be, but he sat back relaxed and had some fishfingers with custard and a hot cup of tea while enjoying the view on his first of many journeys of his regenerated crochet life.

Crochet Fez Friends from Þuríður Jónsdóttir on Vimeo.

Mr Cat and the Doctor have become quite the good friends. They made a short film one day playing around with the doctors Fez. Click Play or here if the video isn´t working.

For those who don't know the original here is a picture of the elevent doctor played by Matt Smith

 Are you a Whovian too? 
Have you ever crocheted a television character? 

Thank you for taking your time to leave me a comment
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Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2014

An adventurous year for Mr Cat - Happy Birthday Mr Cat

Mr Cat turned 1 recently and he had a big birthday party. Here he is with his birthday cake - be careful Mr Cat, not to burn your whiskers.

There wouldn´t be a party without Tott his best friend

There was also a third cat invited, it was her last evening before she would move to Iceland and Mr Cat had many stories to tell, since he too went to Iceland to visit his friend this summer. You all remember Doctor Cat.

Here Mr Cat is talking to Doctor cat on the phone, but since Mr Cat knows so many people all over the world the phone wouldn´t stop ringing.

Doctor Cat

Soon more friends showed up to the party and this picture was taken.
You can see little Dudda, Gwyn the Giraffe, the Doctor and Mr Cat with his two cat buddies ready for a piece of that birthdaycake

It was a marvelous day for Mr Cat and soon he took up his photoalbum to show his friends pictures of his adventurous year he had.

Here are few of his pictures for you to see too.

 Weekend trip to the Netherlands / Den Haag

 Fun time driving in the car

We stopped for some snacks on the way

Staying at a hotel for the very first time

There even was a rubber duck in the bathroom, but no way I´m getting in that tub

 off to meet the King and Queen of the Netherlands
  Found probably the worlds biggest cake
yummy yummy

Did you know that there is this great beach in Den Haag?
Had alot of fun building the cooles sandcastle a cat has ever made

What a great trip it was

I brought back a souvenir for little Dudda 
a snowglobe

Trip to Iceland

The rain in spain, stays mainly on the plane
First time on a plane - uiii

Hello Iceland

Bought a boat and went fishing

relaxed at a beautiful sea

Visited Þingvellir hera at Öxarársfoss
This is one of the coolest places in Iceland, it has so much history and it´s the place where the oldest existing parliament in the world first assembled in 930 AD. 
The canyon Almannagjá is formed between two tectonic plates and is a visual representation of continental drift. Isn´t that cool, so me this little kitty cat was standing at the edge of the world between the plates of europe and america. 

This was the first stop on the Golden Circle route. Next stop was Gullfoss waterfall

Gullfoss, what a view it's a very big waterfall and some call it the mini niagra falls

Geysir Geothermal Area - Standing infront of Strokkur
Did you know that the word geyser in english and Geysier in german both arrive from the name of the big brother of Strokkur. Old Geysir no longer erupts as frequently as he used to, but recent earthquakes in iceland have been seen to cause eruptions again. Still the geyser Strokkur (I am standing in front of) erupts much more frequently and his strokes go up to 30 meters every few minutes. 

It was very funny to see everyone wating with their cameras to get a good shot.

I'm looking forward to my next trip and what the future holds

Da diese Post so zahlreiche Bilder beinhaltet ist er nur auf englisch diesmal aber die Bilder sprechen doch für sich

Blogpósturinn í dag er á ensku en myndirnar tala fyrir sig

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Weihnachts Mystery CALs auf Facebook

scroll down for english - skrolla niður fyrir íslensku

Ende November und Anfang Dezember gab es zwei Mystery CALs auf Facebook. Eins wurde von Garn og Hobby angeboten mit einer Anleitung von Streifgetier die andere von Angel´s Design

Ich habe beide Figurchen etwas abgeändert, die erste (Streifgetier) was das Outfit anging und das Gesicht, bei der zweiten (Angel´s Design) habe ich einige von den gehäkelten kleinteilen weggelassen und die Figur mehr nach meinem Stil (und Geschmack) abgeändert. Nichts desto trotz waren beide CALs gut organisiert, die Anleitungen waren schön geschrieben und es gab keinerlei Probleme. Ich muß zugeben, das ich in Oktober auch an einer Mystery CAL teilgenommen habe, die Figur aber nicht beendet, da die Anleitung etwas verwirrend war und viele kleine Teile beinhaltet hatte.

Bei den beiden Mystery CALs waren Bilder von den Zwischenständen verboten, also hat man echt im Blinden gehäkelt und sah erst als man alles fertig haben sollte, wie das Teil auszusehen hatte. Das finde ich etwas schade, da genau das gemeinsame raten und Bilder davon wie man es eventuell zusammennähen könnte fehlten. Das habe ich bei anderen Mystery CALs so auch gesehen, und kamen die lustigsten Bilder daraus und Ideen und am Ende von jedem Teil wußte man in etwa ob man den Teil auch richtig gehäkelt hatte. So hatte ich es auch gemacht bei meiner Mystery CAL. Aber naja wir wollen ja die Teile sehen oder? :)

Als erstes das Weihninchen von Streifgetier -> klicke hier für das Orginalbild und Anleitung

Als zweites das Engelchen von Angels Design -> klicke hier für das Orginalbild 

Engelchen ist nicht ganz fertig, muß noch an den Haaren arbeiten :)

Wie findet ihr die beiden mystery CALs? Habt ihr auch neulich an welchen teilgenommen oder plant an welchen teilzunehmen? 

Tók þátt í tveim þýskum jólasamheklum á Facebook það fyrsta var í boði dönsku síðunnar Garn og Hobby  og var það einnig í boði á dönsku hitt var alþýskt í boði Angel´s Design. Kanínan var gerð eftir uppskrift og engillinn eftir uppskrift, ef þið ýtið hér sjáiði orginalmyndina af kanínunni og hér og af englinum hér en ég gerði nokkrar breytingar á klæðnaðinum hjá kanínunni og andlitinu og engillinn breytti ég meira og sleppti nokkrum af litlu hekluðu hlutunum. 

Hvernig finnst ykkur munurinn? 

Hafiði tekið þátt í einhverjum skemmtilegum leyniheklum nýlega eða bráðlega? Endilega látið mig vita, því það er svo gaman að hafa smá leyni leyni með hinu heklinu og hver veit nema nýtt ár muni bjóða upp á nýtt leynihekl eða samhekl Woollen Thoughts. Hvort mynduð þið frekar vilja leyni eða samhekl?


I participated on two christmas mystery CALs on Facebook recently, the Bunny is from  here and the angel from here . If you click the "here" links you can see the original picture from the designer. I changed the outfit and the face of the bunny and skipped some of the parts by the angel. 

How do you like the changes? 

Did you also participate on any mystery CALs recently or are planning to? I would love to hear about some upcoming mystery CALs.

Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2014

Sól, sól, skín á mig.....


Órói í barnaherbergi gerður eftir uppskrift eftir Amy Gaines sem birtist í blaðinu Crochet Today, en er líka hægt að finna á netinu að kostnaðarlausu. Ég notaði ekki uppskriftina af skýinu (sjá neðstu mynd) þar sem mér fannst það ekki passa við restina, og gerði þess í stað fyllt ský.

Það var rosalega gaman að gera þennan óróa en líka tímafrekt. Sólin, regnboginn, droparnir eða skýið eitt og sér væru líka allt yndislegar dúkkur. 

Sólin var held ég tímafrekust með öllum sólargeislunum, en eru ekki litlu rjóðu kinnarnar hennar sætar? Ég notaði hana í síðasta pósti með prinsessunni muniði? :)

Regnboginn tók líka soldinn tíma með öllum litaskiptunum, 
en vá er hann ekki alveg þess virði?

og hvað um dropabræðurnar eru þeir ekki krúttlegir. Ég væri alveg til í svona rigningu ;)

mér líkaði ekki nógu vel við skýið sem er í uppskriftinni, það var flatt og fannst mér það engan vegin passa við hina hlutina í uppskriftinni og gerði ég því annað ský sem var fyllt, eins og sést á fystu myndinni í þessum blogpósti.

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Today only in icelandic, but I hope with google translate you will be able to understand
Heute nur auf isländisch, aber mit google translate hoffe ich das man es übersetzen kann

Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2014

Princess Lovey

Princess Lovey is a lovely little princess, she sings babies to sleep, keeps them safe and give them a feeling of security. She is soft and her big dress is nice to play with and hold, and she is also very chewy. Her big shirt is starry shaped as well and has alot of little holes to peak through and to explore for tiny fingers.

The Idea for this princess lovey isn´t all mine, I had been surfin the web for ideas and found a similiar one. I used the baby star blanket I crocheted last year for the skirt and head and hands where simple oval and tube amigurumi forms. I stiched on the eyes and mouth to keep her all soft and have no danger of swallowing button or pearl eyes. She is wahsable, huggable and don´t you think also lovable? 

Did you also have a doll like this? A security blanket lovey dolly?

Schnuffeltücher sind sehr beliebt bei Kleinkindern, und ein schönes Geschenk für neue Erdbewohnern. Die geben Sicherheit und sind besonders Kuschelig wenn die kleinen Nachts aufwachen und werden auch gerne wenn die kleinen größer werden überall mitgeschleppt. 

Inspiration für die kleine Prinzessin habe ich im Internet gefunden, den Sternenrock von meiner Sternendecke, die ich letztes Jahr gemacht habe. Die Augen und Mund sind gestickt, so ist die Kuschelweich. Die ist nicht nur waschbar, sondern auch kuschelbar, liebhabbar und wunderbar. Oder? 

Hattet ihr auch so eine Puppe in der Kindheit, die vielleicht keine Kusheldecke war in dem Sinne aber die gleiche Funktion hatte? 

Diesmal wieder bei Creadienstag dabei

Lítil prinsessa til að knúsa. Það má drusla henni með sér út um allt, knúsa hana, halda í hendurnar á henni eða pilsið, stinga puttunum inn í götin, naga hana og svo ef hún verður eitthvað drullug getur mamma þvegið hana. Augun og munnurinn eru saumuð á, þannig hún er öll mjúk og knúsuleg. Ég fékk hugmyndina af netinu, var búin að skoða svo margar svona knúsudúkkur og ákvað að gera litla prinsessu fyrir nýja jarðarprinsessu. Hún er svo jólaleg í rauðu og hvítu, finnst ykkur ekki? Eins og hún sé á leiðinni á jólaball. Pilsið hennar er stjörnulaga, en ég notaði byrjunina á stjörnuteppinu sem ég gerði í fyrra.

Áttuð þið líka svona knúsudúkku þegar þið voruð lítil? Hvað hét hún? Mín hét Gígí. 

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P.S. Today I am including a spoiler for a future post in the first picture 

Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014

Monkey Business

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the cutes monkey in town?

I have always loved monkeys, as a child I wanted to have one as a pet. Me and my best friend used to play games as kids pretending to be monkeys and those are also one of his favorite animals. So as I found out he was going to become a daddy I knew what kind of animal I had to crochet for his baby girl. Of course a monkey and who is cuter than this one from Pepika.

I bought the pattern from amigurumipatterns and started straight away. 


Ég hef alltaf elskað apa, man eftir öpunum í Blómavali í gamla daga, var alltaf í apaleik og vildi helst vera api eða amk eiga apa sem gæludýr. Ég og æskuvinur minn vorum alltaf í apaleik og hann elskar apa líka alveg eins og ég. Þegar hann varð pabbi á árinu, var ekkert annað dýr sem kom til greina að hekla fyrir litlu stelpuna hans en apakríli. Þessi api er algjört apakríli. Hann er eitthvað svo aumkunarlaus líka að það er ekkert annað sem kemur til greina en að knúsa hann og elska, og ég er viss um að hann eigi eftir að verða eitt af uppáhalds knúsudýrum nýja eigandans síns.

Isn´t he just adorable? The way he looks, you just want to hug him and squeeze him tight and love him forever.

Look at that cute long tail. Just adorable...

Er ekki langa skottið hans algjört krútt?

He got a little hungry at the end of the photo shoot and ofcourse I had plenty of bananas in the house. It is also helps to see the size of this little cute monkey.

I think I will have to make one for me as well to keep, hug and squeeze.

What is your favorite animal

I always love to hear from my readers, so don´t be shy and leave a comment, here or anywhere else on my little blog. I see people coming in from all over the world and there is nothing a blogger loves more than to get some feedback and comments from other than the spammers ;) And if you don´t like to leave a comment, you can always pop over to my facebook page and click like and leave me a word or two there. 


Auðvitað varð apagreyið orðið ofsa svangt eftir allar myndatökurnar, en ég á alltaf nóg af banönum ef ske kynni að ég fengi apa í heimsókn ;) Bananinn sýnir líka vel stærðina á honum.

Þegar ég var lítil lærði ég á gæsluvellinum lítið apalag sem ég söng og söng. Kannist þið við þetta?

"Apar borða ekki sultu,
þeir borða bara banana"

Hvað er uppáhalds dýrið ykkar? 

Hlakka til að heyra í ykkur hér að neðan eða annars staðar á blogginu mínu í kommentunum, sérstaklega ef þið eruð að notast við eitthvað af því sem ég er með hér í boði eins og snjókornateikningarnar sem eru mjög vinsælar núna. Um að gera að sýna smá ást og skilja eftir komment. Jú og um að gera að kíkja yfir á facebook síðuna mína, smella á like, deila og kommenta þar líka. Ég er að nálgast 700 fylgjendur og er að plana að hafa eitthvað skemmtilegt þegar ég næ fyrsta þúsundinu mínu þannig um að gera að vera nógu dugleg að like-a og deila síðunni. Þið eruð kanski með einhverjar hugmyndir? :)


Affen sind so süße kleine Tiere, und sehr mit uns selbst verwandt. Als ich klein war wollte ich immer einen Affen als Haustier haben. Statt dessen habe ich mir vorgestellt ein Affenmächen zu sein und Stundenlang draußen im Garten mit meinem besten Freund Affen gespielt. Da er genauso sehr Affen mag wie ich, als ich erfahren habe das er Papa wird war kein Zweifel welches Tierchen ich für seine Kleine häkeln würde.

Ist der Affe nicht goldig? :) Die Orginal Anleitung ist von Pepika und kann in dem Buch Zoomigurumi gefunden werden, oder über den Link der hier oben angegeben ist.

Was ist Euer Lieblingstier? 

Heute bin ich wieder bei Häkelliebe und Freutag dabei, und gehe mich jetzt da rumsehen :)
Bis bald meine lieben und nicht vergessen, ich liebe Komments und was von euch zu hören, ich habe auch eine Facebook Seite wo ich auch gerne neue Likes und Kommentare sehen möchte, so verpasst man nie einen Blog Post.

Freitag, 31. Oktober 2014

Happy Halloween


B is for broomsticks witches to fly,
O is outrageous spooks that go by,
O is for orange pumpkins so bright, 
These are the signs of a Halloween night.

Die kleine Hexe freut sich immer sehr auf Halloween, mit ihrem großen Hut und Kürbis wartet sie auf die sternenklare Nacht, damit sie beim Vollmondlicht am Himmel wieder fliegen darf.

Happy Halloween