Since my last WIP Post, I have finished the amigurumi kitty, I was working on. Today I am showing you my progress in my granny triangle shawl. I am using Debbie Bliss Rialto Lace 100% merino wool for this project. It is a wonderful wool to work with and my shawl will be light and warm.
What are you working on this wednesday? Let´s hop over to Tami's blog and see
Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013
Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013
Mystery Kitty
I am a mystery kitty, yes I am. Today is the day my true idendity will be relieved. Tada. I was a part of a CAL on google plus. The pictures of the kitties are dropping in there, and they are all so cute. I love this lill fella and am def. gonna be making more like him. :)
Ich bin eine mystische Katze, ja als teil von einem CAL auf google plus,
wurde meine wahre Identität erst gestern gelüftet.
Mjá Mjá Halló, þú þekkir kanski fótlana mína af mynd á facebook ;) nei ég er ekki gíraffi, ekki kanína, ekki snigill eða hæna, samt elska ég hænur því þær eru svo mikið krútt.
I arrived late last night, the fade light of the moon and my good eyes guided me...
Es war schon spät als ich ankam,
nur mit dem schwachen Mondschein habe ich den Weg nach Hause gefunden
Það var farið að rökkva þegar ég kom, dauft tunglskinið lýsti mér leiðina heim
to my new home...
Hier sitze ich vor meinem neuen Haus
Er ekki húsið mitt sætt :) en ég er ossa þreyttur orðinn...
mmmmhhh das warme weiche Bett, ich düse weg in die Traumwelt
ohhh ég lúllaði svoooo vel, í hlýju rúminu mínu
I dreamt of my Chicken, I was cuddling with her and singing. I would never eat her, nooo I love her
Ich habe von meinem kleinen Huhn geträumt, wir haben geschmust und gesungen. Ich würde die nie essen wollen, ich liebe sie :)
Mig dreymdi að ég vær að knúsa og syngja með hænunni minni, hún er svo mikið krútt. Ég elska hana soooo mikið og myndi ALDREI borða hana
Then I found myself at an icecream shop somewhere in Iceland
Auf einmal war ich nicht länger daheim, sondern in einer großen Eisdiele in Island
Augnabliki síðar, var ég staddur í Ísbúð í Reykjavík og fékk þennan riiiisa stóran ís
Then I dreamt I was in a really old pretty café in Austria, Vienna. I became this giant piece of Sacher Torte.... mmmmhhh after all that icecream I still could eat. The waiter told my my date would be there in a minute.... my date? who could that be
Wie ein Katzensprung war ich auf einmal in Wien, bei Cafe Sacher, der Kellner hat mir eine riesengroße Scheibe von der Sachertorte gebracht und meinte meine Verabredung wäre gleich da, es hat mich gewundert das ich immer noch essen konnte
Allt í einu var ég staddur á kaffihúsi í Vín, og þjónn kom með risastóra sneið af súkkulaðikökunni frægu, Sachertertunni. Hann sagði svo líka að sú sem ég væri að hitta kæmi pínu seinna, ég vissi ekki hvern ég væri að hitta þarna og vonaði að ég myndi ekki fljúga í burtu strax í draumnum og gæti klárað kökuna mína ;-)
Then my date arrived, it was my old dear friend Dudda, she is the reason I even exist ;) and of course we had some more cake. She told me I should go next to Paris in my dream, I would like it, she gave me her hat, told me all the french wear those.....
Da kam endlich meine Verabredung, es war meine liebe Freundin Dudda, ohne sie wäre ich auch nicht hier, wir hatten noch mehr Kuchen aber natürlich ;) hihi. Sie sagte mir mein Traum wäre bald vorbei, aber ich sollte unbedingt nach Paris gehen, sie gab mir ihre Baskenmütze und meinte sowas tragen die Franzosen gerne......
Þá mætti stelpan sem ég var að hitta, það var engin önnur en Dudda vinkona, án hennar væri ég ekki hér. Við fengum meiri köku og sátum og spjölluðum, hún sagði mér að ég yrði að kíkja til Parísar áður en ég myndi vakna, gaf mér alpahúfuna sína og sagði að svona húfur væru mjög vinsælar meðal frakka og ég myndi strax líta út eins og annar franskur köttur með hana...
Bonjour Paris
Je T´aime Tour Eiffel
Then I woke up after a wonderfull dream... see you soon,
but I am never going to bed again hungry
und ich bin aufgewacht, aber ich gehe nie wieder ins Bett mit leeren Magen ;)
Eftir yndislegan draum vaknaði ég, en ég ætla ekki í framtíðinni að fara að sofa svöng
Heute ist Dienstag, also Creadienstag :) nicht vergessen
google plus,
Montag, 28. Oktober 2013
Crochet Symbols and stiches
The secret language of crochet (picture from ObeyChrochet)
November 7th: Dutch (NL) added to the Page Top Link Crochet Symbols US/UK/DE/IS/NL
If you master these hieroglyphs universal language of chrochet anything is possible. It doesn´t matter what language you speak, speak this and any pattern with diagramm is yours. I always fancied the ancient egypt with their pharaoh and hieroglyphs. I wanted to learn that language and understand those symbols. But as I grew older, I realiced it´s not so easy and they don´t really know what some of the symbols mean, not even the egyptian penpal I had (just for this purpose ;)). Ah well, I did get the modern arabic alphabet and I do know that one and can write my name and some words, that´s pretty cool too.
November 7th: Dutch (NL) added to the Page Top Link Crochet Symbols US/UK/DE/IS/NL
If you master these hieroglyphs universal language of chrochet anything is possible. It doesn´t matter what language you speak, speak this and any pattern with diagramm is yours. I always fancied the ancient egypt with their pharaoh and hieroglyphs. I wanted to learn that language and understand those symbols. But as I grew older, I realiced it´s not so easy and they don´t really know what some of the symbols mean, not even the egyptian penpal I had (just for this purpose ;)). Ah well, I did get the modern arabic alphabet and I do know that one and can write my name and some words, that´s pretty cool too.
Looking at this "crochet alphabet" I always have to think about the pharaohs and all the mystery sign alphabets out there. This kinda rocks and who knows, maybe the egypt hieroglyphs where just crochet symbols and on those walls are those great patterns for their cool outfits, sphinx and I bet alot of kitties and headpieces too.
Anyway. Since not everyone is familiar with the meaning of those symbols I drew up some of the most used ones and if you need a video on how to make one of those, there is a video tutorial from various youtube crochet canals.
I´m also adding the name of each stich in US English, UK English (if different to US), German and Icelandic, since these are the languages of you guys :)
To see a video demonstration of each stich, click the link under each picture
mostly drawn as a circle, sometimes as -
a dot or a oval dot
shown as x or +
this type is mostly drawn with a lighter colour
Some other stiches are shown below
Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013
Thoughts on Thursday
Jeder der Häkelt oder Strickt, hat am Ende eine Unmenge an kleinen Enden, was macht ihr damit? Statt die Überall im Haus zu verteilen, habe ich angefangen die in kleine Marmeladengläser zu füllen. Es ist auch irgendwie schön, das Glas anzusehen und die vielen Farben von den verschiedenen Projekten darin zu sehen. Als mein Glas voller wurde, hab ich dem Glas einen Marmeladenaufkleber wo drauf steht "spottasulta" verpasst. Spottasulta ist isländisch und heißt so was wie Wollemarmelade. Aber ich kann nicht unendliche Marmeladengläser sammeln mit Wollresten. Also Ideen müssen hier.
Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr in den Kommentaren eure Ideen zufügen und erzählen was ihr mit euren Enden so macht.
Hier ist was ich bisjetzt an Verwendungen gefunden habe
Everyone that crochet or knits know this problem. What to do with all those scraps and bits and pieces of yarn. Instead of having them spread all over my home I collect them in yars. My two jars of "Spottasulta" (Yarnscrapmarmelade) you can see on the picture above. But lets face it, I can´t keep on collecting 100 jars full of wool, can I? So I needed some Ideas from the Internet to see what I could use them for.
I would love to hear your ideas in the comments too.
Eruð þið eins og ég og getið ekki hent þessum dýrmætu spottum ykkar. Hvað gerið þið við þá? Ég safna mínum í krukkur og kalla þá spottasultur :) En ég get samt ekki átt 100 krukkur fullar af spottum? Það er samt þægilegt að setja þetta alltaf í krukku í staðin að hafa þetta á gólfinu um allt hús. Ég nota oft litlu spottana til að merkja umferðir þegar ég er að hekla. Svo má nota þá sem tróð í dúkkufyllingu.
En hér eru nokkrar fleiri hugmyndir hvenrig hægt er að nota þessa litlu spotta og enda.
Það væri svo gaman að heyra í ykkur í kommentunum hér að neðan hvað þið gerið við ykkar enda.
Quelle: Crafty Crafty
Da die Weihnachtszeit um die Ecke ist, fand ich diese Idee sehr Lustig von Crafty Crafty. Da werden die Weihnachtskugeln mit Wollresten in verschiedenen Farben gefüllt.
Since Christmas is just around the corner I will start with this neat Idea, fill those empty glassy balls with your yarnscrap. It would be a cute gift for a fellow crafter or as decoration for your craft room or shop.
Þar sem jólin eru óðum að nálgast, byrja ég á smá spottajólaskrauti. Ég veit ekki hvort mér þyki þetta mjög fallegt, en þetta er fyndin hugmynd, og ég sæi alveg fyrir mér ullarbúðarglugga með svona hangandi fyrir jólin.
Quelle: Makenzie
Wenn man feltbare Wollereste hat, sind solche Filzbälle auch eine Tolle idee, und können für vieles gebraucht werden, als Katzenspielzeuge oder für Halsketten. Dann wäre es vielleicht besser die Wollreste nach Farbe und Material in kleinere Gläser zu füllen.
Or if you are working alot with wool that can be felted, how about collecting them in small jars by colour and later make some felted balls out of them, like at Makenzie´s.
Muniði eftir öllum hálsmenunum með svona þæfðum boltum? Þetta er líka sniðugt fyrir ullina sem hægt er að þæfa, en þá myndi ég reyna að hafa krukkur í nokkrum litum. Líka sniðugt sem kisuleikfang eða eitthvað bara.
Quelle: Elisabeth Andrèe
Wie wäre es mit einer Wollschale, wie Elisabeth Andrèe bei About Crochet gemacht hat, sie hat auch ein tolles Tutorial dafür gemacht.
Or use them for a unique Yarn bowl like by Elisabeth Andrèe, she has a great tutorial on her site as well.
Svo eru það svona spottaskálar, það er ágætis tutorial á síðunni hennar Elísabetar
Quelle: The Star Online
Andere Variationen von solchen Wollschalen. Diese Zwei sind von The Star Online mit einem schönen Tutorial ebenfalls.
These two are pretty too from the star online, and also have a great tutorial on how to make your own.
Þessar eru líka flottar af annari síðu, og þar er líka að finna fínt tutorial.
Bildquelle: Duncrafts wild bird blog
Eine andere Idee, die ich sehr mag, ist unseren gefederten Freunden in Frühjar beim Nestbauen helfen.
So können die Wollreste im Garten aufgehängt werden in Frühjahr, hierfür eignen sich gut etwa 5cm langen Enden, die Vogel holen sich die Farben und Wolle die sie mögen und verwenden das in ihre kleinen Vogelneste.
Another idea, wich I love, is giving it to the birds in spring for nest making. That is what I am going to do next spring :)
En það sem mér finnst eiginlega sniðugast af þessu öllu og ætla að gera næsta vor er að leyfa fuglunum litlu að nota spottana mína í hreiðurgerð.
Quelle: Parentmap
Es gibt solche Körbe dafür.
Oder man verwendet kleine Kugeln, wie bei annearchy, oder ateliertantetrulla Netz oder ähnliches.
You can use cages like on the picture above, or pretty ornaments like at anne archy or atelier tantetrulla use, click the links above to get to their pages.
Það má nota svona litlar körfur eða kúlur og net og hengja upp á trén í garðinum, endilega kíkjið á linkin hjá anne og tantetrulla.
Quelle: Lionbrand
Bei Lionbrand habe ich dieses Bild gefunden, wo ein Vogel solche Wollreste für sein süßes Nest verwendet hat.
So could the birdnests in spring look like :) Picture found on Lionbrand
Og svona gætu hreiðrin litið út. Væri gaman að sjá hvaða liti og garntegundir fuglarnir myndu taka.
Aber vielleicht möchtet ihr lieber ein Nest selber bauen und für die Osterdeko verwenden. Hanasaurusrex zeigt wie sie dieses süße Nest gemacht hat. Mehr solche Ideen findet ihr bei The chocolate muffin oder frugalfun4boys.
If you like to make your own birdnest, like for easter decorations, there is a great tutorial for this one at Hana Saurus Rex. Also similar ideas from the chocolate muffin and frugalfun4boys.
Svo má líka búa til sín eigin hreiður fyrir páskana, það eru flottar leiðbeiningar hjá Hana Saurus Rex og hjá hinum linkunum. Endilega kíkjið á það.
Zurletzt eine süße Idee für Wolleliebhaber ist dieses kleine Herz gefüllt mit Wolle von Mom and Daughter Crafters Extraordinative.
This is for all yarn lovers on valentines day ;) It´s a neat idea over at Mom and Daughter Crafters Extraodrinative
Mér fannst þetta hjarta soldið væmið en sæt valentínusar hugmynd líka, fyrir sanna endaelskendur :D
Es sind viele möglichkeiten, welche magt ihr am besten? Was macht ihr mit euren Enden? Teile es mit uns indem du ein Komment hinterlässt :)
Please check out all the links and if you have a link to your own creation using up those ends, let me know in the comments belove :)
Það eru miklu fleiri möguleikar að nota endana sína í en mig grunaði, og eflaust leynið þið á fleiri hugmyndum. Það væri gaman að heyra í ykkur í kommentunum hér að neðan, hvað ykkur finnst sniðugt af þessu og hvað þið gerið við ykkar enda.
Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2013
WIP Wednesday
A small summary of my unfinished projects from my project bag, or like the WIP says Work in Progress, as a part of Tami´s WIP Wednesday Action.
Most of these things pictured above are almost finished, just need a little tweeking, like sewing, washing or more material.
First Row (left to right): First two pictures of granny´s waiting to become something ;). The little owlies are Owl Rattles in making, I wasn´t sure if it would be a boy or girl, so I did some variations in the colours, so when I am in need for a baby gift I have some almost finished ;) The black and grey granny is made out of felting wool, I used a large hook, I´m not gonna felt it in the washing machine later though, since this will be a small blankie for my kitty Mia :)
Second Row (left from right): Starts of with a vintage potholder, I ran out of cotton and placed it in my project bag, and it has been a little forgotten about ´til now, I am definately going to finish this one soon, cause it´s beautiful :) Next to it a second TP Owly I made one for my sister a while back, she picked the eyes with the black lashes, this one I was gonna make for myself, since I had a second pair of eyes already. All I need to do now is sew it up ;) Third picture in this row is another owly thing, a baby security blanket. I really just need to sew the owl on it, but since I am not happy how this cotton came out in the granny, I am thinking of redoing the granny with my favorite cotton from Lana Grosse ( I sadly hadn´t found that one, as I did this piece). But since there is no baby on the way for it to cuddle with, it´s one of those fast finished gifts when needed. Last picture in this row is of my prefelted house slippers. I made one in grey for my BF the turkish slippers, and this pair is for me :) Just needs to be washed and I am thinking about what kind of decoration I will do, or if I will leave them blank.
Third and last row (left from right): First off a picture of a mystery amigurumi CAL I am participating in over on google +, I am a late starter in the project, and I am on clue 3 now, the clue 4 is already out, but I have a hence that we are making amineko. The second picture is my first try to do filet crocheting, I haven´t blocked it yet, so that´s why it´s still a WIP ;). Third picture is the only project knitted, it´s a loop I am doing for my BF on circular needles. I am a slow knitter, but it will be finished before it gets cold ;). Last Picture is the beginning of a brand new project with new wool I just bought last Week in Berlin, it´s from Debbie Bliss called Rialto Lace, I love the colour and this will be a shawl for me ;)
Writing this I remember other WIPs but they will be a tale for another day. ;)
It´s great to do a WIP Post once in a while, to see what is still left to do. But there is oh so more on my list of things I want to make. Am I the only one with so many unfinished business? I hope not. I tell myself it´s not that bad, at least I don´t have a room full of yarn. My wool stash is really small. But maybe I am just fooling myself, ´cause I didn´t think I had so many WIP´s either.
I have an Idea for a Blog Post Challenge now called "Show me Your Stash" ;-) but shouldn´t that be our dirty little secret? ;)
Dieser Post ist leider nur auf englisch, da dies ein Teil des WIP Wednesday ist und viel zu lang werden würde, wenn ich es in drei Sprachen schreiben würde.
Engin íslenska í þetta sinn, en þið skiljið þetta líka alveg held ég :)
Schneeflöckchen Weißröckchen
Hier ist eine einfache Schneeflocke, die sehr geeignet ist für Diejenige, die sich noch nicht trauen die komplizierten zu machen, jedoch ist das Ergebnis toll.
Snjókornin halda áfram að falla hér á blogginu, en í þetta sinn er einfalt snjókorn, sem er auðgert og frábært fyrir byrjendur í snjókornahekli. Það er ekki bara teikning í þetta sinn, heldur líka Video fyrir rétt- og örvhenta í boði Crochet Geek.
It keeps snowing on my blog, and this time it´s this lovely snowflake from Crochet Geek. It´s very easy to make, even for snowflake crochet beginners, and the video shows it for right and left handed persons. I drew up a diagramm as well.
Ich habe die auch zusätzlich zu dem Video ein Diagramm gezeichnet.
Das schöne ist es gibt sowohl für Linkshänder als auch für Rechtshänder eine tolle Video-Anleitung von Crochet Geek (auf englisch).
Video for Right Handed - Video für Rechtshänder - Myndband fyrir rétthenta
Video for Left Handed - Video für Linkshänder - Myndband fyrir örvhenta
Jetzt gehe ich mal rüber zu den Mädels bei Creadienstag und schau mal was die anderen so gemacht haben
Jetzt gehe ich mal rüber zu den Mädels bei Creadienstag und schau mal was die anderen so gemacht haben
Thank you for taking your time to leave me a comment
Danke dass Du Dir Zeit nimmst mir Paar Worte zu schreiben
Takk fyrir að taka nokkrar mínútur í að skilja eftir línu
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